Hi, I'm GFrancV

I'm a network expert (supposedly) and Linux lover , but in this moment I'm a Junior Web Developer!

gfrancv logo

My main Project



This is a awesome Discord Bot created by a passionate programmer using the discord.js library with varoious functionalities.


Main technologies of this project

  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • JavaScript

Other projects:

Markdown Badges

Markdown Badges

Awesome site to copy markdown badges for your readmes and other markdown files.

  • astro
  • vue
  • tailwindcss
Vue Tasks

Vue Tasks

Full stack project with frontend application made with Vue 3 and backend REST API with Express to manage personal tasks with authentication.

  • vue
  • bootstrap
  • node
  • express
  • mongo
Weather App

Weather App

This is a simple frontend web application to see the weather from different cities through the use of differents api's.

  • vue
  • bootstrap